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Hole-in-One Directory
First NameLast NameGolf CourseDateHole #Yardage
JohnWilliamsDead Horse Lake1/616140
RandyColePatriot Hills Golf Club1/154137
PeteLeitnakerHeatherhurst - Crag1/1614122
JohnAndertonBear Trace at Tim's Ford1/1815137
JerryLyleNashville Golf & Athletic Club1/188142
MaureenPattonLinks at Kahite1/22588
PeytonPetersonMcCabe GC - Middle2/82155
TomBabrickHeatherhurst - Crag2/113129
TommyHayesTN Golf Trail at Paris Landing2/124140
SteveHendricksonCovington Country Club2/123130
DavidMcVeighGraysburg Hills Golf Course2/145151
BillReaHeatherhurst - Crag2/223152
JerryWhittElizabethton Municipal Golf Course2/2210112
CristianGuzmanHeatherhurst - Crag3/58131
MikeTylerSevierville Golf Club - Highlands Course3/511146
ZacharyMcDonaldThe Little Course at Conner Lane3/93125
HermanPetzoldVanderbilt Legends Club - South Course3/129208
HudsonCrabillThe Little Course at Conner Lane3/138187
MaxDieleThe Little Course at Conner Lane3/155146
Dr. Arnold WhitmoreLinks at Galloway3/155172
RyanCateBear Trace at Tims Ford3/1615165
FordBellThe Little Course at Conner Lane3/211135
AliKempGaylord Springs Golf Links3/23390
IsaacAntwineLong Hollow Golf Course3/254163
AndrewShaddenSpringbrook Country Club3/2915150
BradleyStampsThe Little Course at Conner Lane3/30982
MiltonEzellLebanon Golf & Country Club4/413149
FinnPennekampThe Little Course at Conner Lane4/4397
AlexMeucciThe Little Course at Conner Lane4/71100
TammyHarringtonAvalon Country Club4/126140
Tristen EvansEgwani Farms Golf Course4/128186
J. T. RoseGraysburg Hills Golf Course4/143163
HaroldHensleyCole Park Golf Course4/141792
DeborahBaxleyDorchester Golf Course4/143112
OliverJacksonThe Little Course at Conner Lane4/158131
MelTobeckDorchester Golf Course4/188122
DwightLynneStonehenge Golf Club4/2114143
StuartScrivnerHeatherhurst - Brae4/213150
SteveHartmanThe Little Course at Conner Lane4/222121
DickieGeorgeDruid Hills Golf Club4/238123
DougKnowltonBear Trace at Tims Ford4/2515138
StegeWheelerThe Little Course at Conner Lane4/251109
CadenWoodwardThe Little Course at Conner Lane4/27488
JimNuseDruid Hills Golf Club4/288145
Don PageStonehenge Golf Club5/13120
MartyHartsellHolston Hills Country Club5/44149
KathyDupreeThe Little Course at Conner Lane5/51115
Jesse J. KnightGraysburg Hills Golf Course5/58135
BobCleggHeatherhurst - Crag5/912145
ChuckLongDruid Hills Golf Club5/1013145
MichaelKennedyCreekside Golf Course5/114184
KevinQueenThe Little Course at Conner Lane5/133104
HalCollierGreyStone Golf Club5/163140
DanielColstonStonehenge Golf Club5/1611111
TimothyLandwehrTN Golf Trail at Paris Landing5/174173
DanielGreenGaylord Springs Golf Links5/193130
KeithSchedelDruid Hills Golf Club5/2315145
TinaHallHeatherhurst - Crag5/2512109
HunterBrownBear Trace at Tims Ford5/2715158
MarkLaneSmyrna Municipal Golf Course5/2814173
RickKizerStonehenge Golf Club5/2911155
GraysonRainsSmyrna Municipal Golf Course5/315153
NedGiddensDruid Hills Golf Club6/215136
ThomasMuncyTri Cities Golf Club6/42171
JerryWhittElizabethton Municipal Golf Course6/48117
WalterBassLong Hollow Golf Course6/54163
BruceWoodDorchester Golf Course6/63127
Don WoodardLong Hollow Golf Course6/611124
MarleneWheatonHeatherhurst - Crag6/9899
DarleneEdwardsStonehenge Golf Club6/1014138
JudeOdomThe Little Course at Conner Lane6/10797
JeremyBollsThe Little Course at Conner Lane6/123105
CalvinZachariasThe Little Course at Conner Lane6/121126
WyattCowdreyDruid Hills Golf Club6/1315136
MadduxWileyLawrenceburg Golf and Country Club6/132170
WalkerHillenmeyerThe Little Course at Conner Lane6/14946
LandrySimmonsGraymere Country Club6/1613167
WaylandLongBear Trace at Tims Ford6/174115
De Janeiro MilhouseHeatherhurst - Crag6/1714129
TaylorMotternBear Trace at Tims Ford6/194171
NathanielKingLong Hollow Golf Course6/2011100
JeffreyRoggeDruid Hills Golf Club6/248109
BobGrossiHeatherhurst - Crag6/268141
LucasBollsThe Little Course at Conner Lane6/27456
JeffMcKinneyTri Cities Golf Club6/278104
ToddHiltenStonehenge Golf Club7/13145
RyanBaldwinThe Little Course at Conner Lane7/27126
CraigSpryStonehenge Golf Club7/311148
MichelleLaneGaylord Springs Golf Links7/417120
CharltonWalkerWhite Plains Golf Course7/617230
KarenCaseyGaylord Springs Golf Links7/71395
LorenHallHeatherhurst - Crag7/78131
SamHatfieldBear Trace at Tim's Fod7/94100
JoshSheltonVanderbilt Legends Club - North Course7/103182
CayleWiatrThe Little Course at Conner Lane7/141124
BethBrownStonehenge Golf Club7/1514138
WesMaloneThe Little Course at Conner Lane7/18978
MikeVoltleinDorchester Golf Course7/183115
HunterDaggThe Little Course at Conner Lane7/19483
GlennSeaboltDruid Hills Golf Club7/218125
SpikeBurgerHeatherhurst - Crag7/223137
ScottBrownDruid Hills Golf Club7/2313211
TylerNybeckThe Little Course at Conner Lane7/23947
ElizabethFossumHeatherhurst - Crag7/241498
ChuckPowersStonehenge Golf Club7/2414138
AaronMartinThe Little Course at Conner Lane7/292124
ReidSchmidelerGaylord Springs Golf Links7/293147
DrewLinkousCleveland Country Club8/16197
PatrickFlynnHeatherhurst - Brae8/213125
CathyWedekindRichland Country Club8/2780
MarkFinucaneJohnson City Country Club8/47110
JimStreckDorchester Golf Course8/48133
MichaelKimbleTwo Rivers Golf Course8/511158
JimSankoCouncil Fire Club8/67122
MitchellBlancoGraysburg Hills Golf Course8/65163
JohnMathiasTowhee Club8/713100
NealHinsonThe Little Course at Conner Lane8/88148
TommyRossiterStonehenge Golf Club8/811106
ThomasClaasenThe Little Course at Conner Lane8/9957
HyeonJungSmyrna Municipal Golf Course8/917138
ByronMacDonaldHeatherhurst - Crag8/912145
DrakeMcIntyreAndrew Johnson Golf Course8/123130
HeathPruittGraysburg Hills Golf Course8/135143
MichaelForbesThe Little Course at Conner Lane8/13483
JimTomczykDorchester Golf Course8/168120
H. ThomasSengerDruid Hills Golf Club8/1815116
ArnelAguilarThe Links at Fox Meadows8/218153
DavidBlankenshipGaylord Springs Golf Links8/2117148
Marshall B.MurdockGraysburg Hills Golf Course8/215135
ShawnSpryDorchester Golf Course8/213136
GregVincentStonehenge Golf Club8/2111111
DennisTryonDruid Hills Golf Club8/258120
ChrisGlasgonTN Golf Trail at Paris Landing9/113138
LeeJeanBeringerStonehenge Golf Club9/214115
ThomasCaseyThe Little Course at Conner Lane9/4965
RobertMorrisWhite Plains Golf Course9/46151
SteveBeyersHeatherhurst - Crag9/514130
CodyKingHeatherhurst - Crag9/612145
MichaelSmithThe Little Course at Conner Lane9/61111
LiamMacMichaelThe Little Course at Conner Lane9/121102
BudParkerSmyrna Municipal Golf Course9/1214135
CharlesStephensBear Trace at Tims Ford9/2518138
Roy LeeConnSmyrna Municipal Golf Course9/2614137
GaryFlattDorchester Golf Course9/278159
ShellyStoutHeatherhurst - Crag10/13107
Tom AndersonDorchester Golf Course10/213113
KellyCoxHeatherhurst - Brae10/23115
AdamHardinTri Cities Golf Club10/27194
FredRhotonTri Cities Golf Club - Pines10/35106
BenBartholomewThe Little Course at Conner Lane10/77127
ZachPowellDruid Hills Golf Club10/71309
KathyVan DusenStonehenge Golf Club10/711117

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