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2006 Match Play Championship

Match Play Championship
The Honors Course
July 25-28, 2006
Name Residence Name Residence Result
Josh Nelms Antioch, TN Todd Burgan Knoxville Nelms Won 5 and 4
Name Residence Name Residence Result
Todd Burgan Knoxville Jeff Golliher Knoxville, TN Burgan Won 5 and 4
Josh Nelms Antioch, TN Danny Green Jackson Nelms Won 2 and 1
Name Residence Name Residence Result
Josh Coley Chattanooga, TN Jeff Golliher Knoxville, TN Golliher Won 2 and 1
Nick  Bailes Cleveland Todd Burgan Knoxville Burgan Won 3 and 2
Peter  Malnati Dandridge, TN Josh Nelms Antioch, TN Nelms Won 2 and 1
Danny Green Jackson Bryce Ledford Ooltewah Green Won 1 up
Name Residence Name Residence Result
Danny Green Jackson David Salyers Jackson Green Won 5 and 4
Todd Burgan Knoxville Brent Long Carthage Burgan Won 5 and 3
Josh Coley Chattanooga, TN Chris Rogers Franklin Coley Won 1 up
Jason Gandy Knoxville, TN Jeff Golliher Knoxville, TN Golliher Won 2 and 1
Nick  Bailes Cleveland Brad Stevens Brentwood Bailes Won 19 holes
Josh Nelms Antioch, TN Kevin Watford Franklin, TN Nelms Won 3 and 2
Peter  Malnati Dandridge, TN Craig Smith Springfield Malnati Won 3 and 1
Bryce Ledford Ooltewah Derek Rende Soddy Daisy Ledford Won 2 up
Name Residence Name Residence Result
Josh Coley Chattanooga, TN Doug Harris Franklin, TN Coley Won 3 and 1
Jeff Golliher Knoxville, TN Rob Long Clarksville Golliher Won 3 and 2
Todd Burgan Knoxville Logan Young Memphis Burgan Won 4 and 3
Nick  Bailes Cleveland Matthew Fannon Seymour Bailes Won 6 and 5
Steve Golliher Knoxville, TN Chris Rogers Franklin Rogers Won Concession
Kyle Hayworth Nashville Brad Stevens Brentwood Stevens Won 7 and 6
Chas Narramore Kingston Kevin Watford Franklin, TN Watford Won 5 and 4
Jason Gandy Knoxville, TN Craig McElhaney Franklin Gandy Won 1 up - 20 Holes
Bill Hardin Kingsport, TN Josh Nelms Antioch, TN Nelms Won 2 up
Peter  Malnati Dandridge, TN Scott Vick Franklin, TN Malnati Won 4 and 3
Justin Metzger Lenoir City David Salyers Jackson Salyers Won 5 and 4
Mitch Brock Chattanooga, TN Bryce Ledford Ooltewah Ledford Won 4 and 2
Brent Long Carthage Drew Maliniak Collierville, TN Long Won 1 up - 20 Holes
Craig Smith Springfield John Smith Brentwood, TN Smith Won 2 up
Derek Rende Soddy Daisy Jay Walston Lookout Mtn, TN Rende Won 3 and 2
Danny Green Jackson Jonathan Hodge Jefferson City Green Won 4 and 3
Place Name Residence Front 9 Back 9 Total +/-
Chris Rogers Franklin 35 34 69 -3
T2 Josh Nelms Antioch, TN 36 34 70 -2
T2 Bryce Ledford Ooltewah 34 36 70 -2
T4 Todd Burgan Knoxville 36 35 71 -1
T4 Nick  Bailes Cleveland 37 34 71 -1
T4 David Salyers Jackson 33 38 71 -1
T4 Craig Smith Springfield 34 37 71 -1
T4 Craig McElhaney Franklin 35 36 71 -1
T4 Rob Long Clarksville 35 36 71 -1
T4 Peter  Malnati Dandridge, TN 34 37 71 -1
T11 Jonathan Hodge Jefferson City 38 34 72 E
T11 Brad Stevens Brentwood 37 35 72 E
T11 Brent Long Carthage 35 37 72 E
T11 Jay Walston Lookout Mtn, TN 36 36 72 E
T11 Kevin Watford Franklin, TN 34 38 72 E
T11 Josh Coley Chattanooga, TN 33 39 72 E
T11 Doug Harris Franklin, TN 36 36 72 E
T18 Chas Narramore Kingston 35 38 73 1
T18 Derek Rende Soddy Daisy 38 35 73 1
T18 Drew Maliniak Collierville, TN 37 36 73 1
T18 Kyle Hayworth Nashville 38 35 73 1
T18 Danny Green Jackson 35 38 73 1
T18 Scott Vick Franklin, TN 41 32 73 1
T24 Jeff Golliher Knoxville, TN 36 38 74 2
T24 Jason Gandy Knoxville, TN 37 37 74 2
T24 John Smith Brentwood, TN 39 35 74 2
T24 Justin Metzger Lenoir City 35 39 74 2
T24 Matthew Fannon Seymour 38 36 74 2
T29 Cameron Lawrence Knoxville, TN 38 37 75 3
T29 Tripp Harris Soddy Daisy, TN 39 36 75 3
T29 Matt King Knoxville, TN 38 37 75 3
T29 Logan Young Memphis 37 38 75 3
T29 Mitch Brock Chattanooga, TN 39 36 75 3
T29 Bill Hardin Kingsport, TN 40 35 75 3
T29 Bill Roach, Jr. Knoxville, TN 38 37 75 3
T29 David McCulloch Knoxville, TN 37 38 75 3
T29 Steve Golliher Knoxville, TN 35 40 75 3
T38 Jeff Chandler Kenton, TN 40 36 76 4
T38 Randy Songstad Arlington 37 39 76 4
T38 Scott Wieland Smyrna, TN 39 37 76 4
T41 Josh Young Greenbrier 37 40 77 5
T41 Matt Penland Sevierville   38 39 77 5
T41 Steve Johnson Lookout Mountain, TN 41 36 77 5
T41 Gaylon Cude Centerville, TN 38 39 77 5
T41 Ron Waters Alcoa 35 42 77 5
T46 Robert Lents Jackson, TN 40 38 78 6
T46 Shane Matthews Nashville 41 37 78 6
T46 Scott Tashie Memphis, TN 39 39 78 6
T46 Greyson Painter Hartsville 40 38 78 6
T46 Bryan Rodgers Knoxville 39 39 78 6
T46 Michael Bailey Nashville 37 41 78 6
T46 Michael Atkeison Somerville TN 38 40 78 6
T53 Tyler  Baird Knoxville, TN 40 39 79 7
T53 Richard Keene Chattanooga, TN. 41 38 79 7
T53 James Duttweiler Clarksville, TN 39 40 79 7
T53 Jeremy Cox Lake City, TN 41 38 79 7
T57 Greg  Wilder Brentwood, TN 39 41 80 8
T57 Kevin Burrell Franklin, TN 41 39 80 8
T57 Roy Matlock Brentwood, TN 38 42 80 8
60 Eifion Hughes Knoxville, TN 40 41 81 9
T61 Jake Shaw Cordova, TN 43 39 82 10
T61 Fred McCord Collierville, TN 40 42 82 10
63 Lenny Sisselman Nashville, TN 42 42 84 12
64 Jonathan Armes Petros, Tennessee 43 46 89 17

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