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2005 Women's Four-Ball


Women's Four-Ball Tournament
Cherokee Country Club
August 16-17, 2005
Place Name Residence Name Residence Round Round
One Two Total  +/-
1 Shelley Anderson Clarksville, TN Evelyn  Blackmon Nashville, TN 66 70 136 -4
2 Beverly  Pearce Jackson, TN Maggie Scott Charleston, TN 69 73 142 2
3 Mary Francis Evers Nashville, TN Lynda Wimberly Brentwood, TN 69 75 144 4
T4 Debbie Case Brentwood, TN Rhonda Nadasdi Brentwood, TN 74 71 145 5
T4 Jane  Marcoe Nashville, TN Georgia  McCravey Chattanooga, TN 74 71 145 5
6 Karin Rader Kingston Springs, TN Bev Hollis Lebanon, TN 74 76 150 10
7 Linda Mullins Cleveland, TN Delores Haynie Cleveland 74 77 151 11
8 Karen  Buss Bristol, TN Marianne Fischer Bristol, TN 76 76 152 12
9 Tina  Sanders Knoxville, TN Karen Neidhardt Knoxville, TN 76 77 153 13
10 Jody Colling Brentwood, TN Sandy Dunlavy Brentwood, TN 82 74 156 16
11 Shawn Anderson Franklin, TN Jenifer Beres Franklin, TN 78 79 157 17
12 Terry Key Knoxville, TN Terri Elllis Knoxville, TN 77 81 158 18
T13 Tammy Cheek Knoxville, TN Kathy Begoon Friendsville, TN 86 73 159 19
T13 Cathy McIntire Ooltewah, TN Deborah Lambert Signal Mountain, TN 82 77 159 19
T13 Barbara Richards Nashville, TN Linda Evers Nashville, TN 77 82 159 19
16 Kay Ward Smyrna, TN Diane Edmondson LaVergne, TN 79 82 161 21
17 Barbara Rentenbach Knoxville, TN Brenda Testerman Knoxville, TN 80 82 162 22
T18 Sharon Aylor Nashville, TN Helaine Fuldauer Nashville, TN 80 84 164 24
T18 Peggy  Carter Bristol, TN Diane Whitson Unicoi, TN 77 87 164 24
T18 Lou Dorsey Kingsport, Tn Cherie Castleberry Kingsport, TN 81 83 164 24
T21 Brenda Siegel Thompson Station, TN Marlene Jones Nashville, TN 85 80 165 25
T21 Gail Smothers Franklin, TN Linda Post Brentwood, TN 81 84 165 25
T23 Jan Bunshaw Brentwood, TN Sharon Hill Brentwood, TN 84 82 166 26
T23 Lynn Fritz Nashville, TN Ginny Lund Brentwood, TN 86 80 166 26
T25 Libbey Hagewood Franklin, TN Kay Lunsford Old Hickory, TN 84 83 167 27
T25 Jane Tolleson Nashville, TN Joan Rice Brentwood, TN 85 82 167 27
T27 Nancy Schenk Nashville, TN Pam Pressnell Nashville, TN 82 87 169 29
T27 Nancy Schenk Nashville, TN Pam Pressnell Nashville, TN 82 87 169 29
T29 Pat Christenberry Knoxville, TN Carolyn Brakebill Knoxville, TN 83 87 170 30
T29 Tiamaria  Conner Knoxville Kim  Dison Knoxville, TN 85 85 170 30
31 Brenda Curtis Knoxville, TN Nancy Colquitt Knoxville, TN 83 88 171 31
32 Becky Hartman Knoxville, TN Mac Rucker Nashville, TN 86 87 173 33
T33 Marion Howard Brentwood, TN Zanie Levering Brentwood, TN 85 89 174 34
T33 Peggy Kenny Kingsport, Tn Lynda Popwell Kingsport, TN 86 88 174 34
T33 Linda McDugald Franklin, TN Mary Larkin Brentwood, TN 90 84 174 34
T36 Margaret Cunningham Alcoa, TN Mona C. Wylie Knoxville, TN 87 88 175 35
T36 Denise Gash Kingsport, TN Wanda Holliman Kingsport, TN 86 89 175 35
38 Judy Goodman Brentwood, TN Mary Landman Nashville, TN 90 86 176 36
T39 Donna  Robers Nashville, TN Rhonda Morton Nashville, TN 88 89 177 37
T39 Claudia Stewart Gallatin, TN Rita Webb Portland, TN 91 86 177 37
41 Shirley Greaser Knoxville, TN Judye James Knoxville, TN 90 88 178 38
42 Mary LeMense Knoxville, TN Yvonne Coulson Knoxville, TN 91 88 179 39
T43 Amy Halkiades Kingsport Barbara  Westmoreland Kingsport, TN 87 93 180 40
T43 Mary Watkins Athens, TN Sally Phillips Cleveland, TN 92 88 180 40
45 Susan Baskett Franklin, TN Cathy Hoot Franklin, TN 89 94 183 43
46 Marilyn Ward Kingsport, TN Virginia  Wooten Kingsport, TN 87 97 184 44
47 Rita Winters Brentwood, TN Ginny Kmak Brentwood, TN 95 90 185 45
T48 Barbara Montavon Knoxville, TN Melanie Overton Knoxville, TN 93 93 186 46
T48 Linda Tabor Nashville, TN Betty Richard Brentwood, TN 93 93 186 46
50 Madge Essary Bristol, TN Donna Doyle Bristol, TN 96 91 187 47
51 Teresa  Reese Franklin, TN Judy Boscamp Franklin, TN 96 92 188 48
52 Patti Brown Brentwood, TN Peggy McCanless Brentwood, TN 93 98 191 51
53 Barbara Hayes Nashville, TN Terri Wells Nashville, TN 99 95 194 54
54 Betty Whitmer Franklin, TN Joan Wright Brentwood, TN 105 100 205 65
WD Suzanne Hayes Karen Williams 5
Place Name Residence Name Residence Round Round
One Two Total  +/-
1 Shelley Anderson Clarksville, TN Evelyn  Blackmon Nashville, TN 66 70 136 -4
2 Beverly  Pearce Jackson, TN Maggie Scott Charleston, TN 69 73 142 2
3 Mary Francis Evers Nashville, TN Lynda Wimberly Brentwood, TN 69 75 144 4
T4 Debbie Case Brentwood, TN Rhonda Nadasdi Brentwood, TN 74 71 145 5
T4 Jane  Marcoe Nashville, TN Georgia  McCravey Chattanooga, TN 74 71 145 5
6 Karin Rader Kingston Springs, TN Bev Hollis Lebanon, TN 74 76 150 10
7 Linda Mullins Cleveland, TN Delores Haynie Cleveland 74 77 151 11
WD Suzanne Hayes Karen Williams 5
Place Name Residence Name Residence Round Round
One Two Total  +/-
Karen  Buss Bristol, TN Marianne Fischer Bristol, TN 76 76 152 12
2 Tina  Sanders Knoxville, TN Karen Neidhardt Knoxville, TN 76 77 153 13
3 Shawn Anderson Franklin, TN Jenifer Beres Franklin, TN 78 79 157 17
4 Terry Key Knoxville, TN Terri Elllis Knoxville, TN 77 81 158 18
5 Barbara Richards Nashville, TN Linda Evers Nashville, TN 77 82 159 19
6 Kay Ward Smyrna, TN Diane Edmondson LaVergne, TN 79 82 161 21
7 Peggy  Carter Bristol, TN Diane Whitson Unicoi, TN 77 87 164 24
Place Name Residence Name Residence Round Round
One Two Total  +/-
Jody Colling Brentwood, TN Sandy Dunlavy Brentwood, TN 82 74 156 16
2 Cathy McIntire Ooltewah, TN Deborah Lambert Signal Mountain, TN 82 77 159 19
3 Barbara Rentenbach Knoxville, TN Brenda Testerman Knoxville, TN 80 82 162 22
T4 Sharon Aylor Nashville, TN Helaine Fuldauer Nashville, TN 80 84 164 24
T4 Lou Dorsey Kingsport, Tn Cherie Castleberry Kingsport, TN 81 83 164 24
6 Gail Smothers Franklin, TN Linda Post Brentwood, TN 81 84 165 25
7 Nancy Schenk Nashville, TN Pam Pressnell Nashville, TN 82 87 169 29
Place Name Residence Name Residence Round Round
One Two Total  +/-
Brenda Siegel Thompson Station, TN Marlene Jones Nashville, TN 85 80 165 25
2 Jan Bunshaw Brentwood, TN Sharon Hill Brentwood, TN 84 82 166 26
T3 Libbey Hagewood Franklin, TN Kay Lunsford Old Hickory, TN 84 83 167 27
T3 Jane Tolleson Nashville, TN Joan Rice Brentwood, TN 85 82 167 27
T5 Pat Christenberry Knoxville, TN Carolyn Brakebill Knoxville, TN 83 87 170 30
T5 Tiamaria  Conner Knoxville Kim  Dison Knoxville, TN 85 85 170 30
7 Brenda Curtis Knoxville, TN Nancy Colquitt Knoxville, TN 83 88 171 31
8 Marion Howard Brentwood, TN Zanie Levering Brentwood, TN 85 89 174 34
Place Name Residence Name Residence Round Round
One Two Total  +/-
Tammy Cheek Knoxville, TN Kathy Begoon Friendsville, TN 86 73 159 19
2 Lynn Fritz Nashville, TN Ginny Lund Brentwood, TN 86 80 166 26
3 Becky Hartman Knoxville, TN Mac Rucker Nashville, TN 86 87 173 33
4 Peggy Kenny Kingsport, Tn Lynda Popwell Kingsport, TN 86 88 174 34
T5 Margaret Cunningham Alcoa, TN Mona C. Wylie Knoxville, TN 87 88 175 35
T5 Denise Gash Kingsport, TN Wanda Holliman Kingsport, TN 86 89 175 35
7 Amy Halkiades Kingsport Barbara  Westmoreland Kingsport, TN 87 93 180 40
8 Marilyn Ward Kingsport, TN Virginia  Wooten Kingsport, TN 87 97 184 44
Place Name Residence Name Residence Round Round
One Two Total  +/-
Linda McDugald Franklin, TN Mary Larkin Brentwood, TN 90 84 174 34
2 Judy Goodman Brentwood, TN Mary Landman Nashville, TN 90 86 176 36
T3 Donna  Robers Nashville, TN Rhonda Morton Nashville, TN 88 89 177 37
T3 Claudia Stewart Gallatin, TN Rita Webb Portland, TN 91 86 177 37
5 Shirley Greaser Knoxville, TN Judye James Knoxville, TN 90 88 178 38
6 Mary LeMense Knoxville, TN Yvonne Coulson Knoxville, TN 91 88 179 39
7 Mary Watkins Athens, TN Sally Phillips Cleveland, TN 92 88 180 40
8 Susan Baskett Franklin, TN Cathy Hoot Franklin, TN 89 94 183 43
Place Name Residence Name Residence Round Round
One Two Total  +/-
Rita Winters Brentwood, TN Ginny Kmak Brentwood, TN 95 90 185 45
T2 Barbara Montavon Knoxville, TN Melanie Overton Knoxville, TN 93 93 186 46
T2 Linda Tabor Nashville, TN Betty Richard Brentwood, TN 93 93 186 46
4 Madge Essary Bristol, TN Donna Doyle Bristol, TN 96 91 187 47
5 Teresa  Reese Franklin, TN Judy Boscamp Franklin, TN 96 92 188 48
6 Patti Brown Brentwood, TN Peggy McCanless Brentwood, TN 93 98 191 51
7 Barbara Hayes Nashville, TN Terri Wells Nashville, TN 99 95 194 54
8 Betty Whitmer Franklin, TN Joan Wright Brentwood, TN 105 100 205 65

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