I hereby acknowledge and accept on behalf of myself and my child the potential risk of serious injury inherent in the game of golf and its related activities and hereby release the Tennessee Golf Foundation and the collective parties listed below, as well as their affiliate entities, staff members, employees, directors, officers and contractors from all liabilities or injury associated with my child’s participation in the Tennessee Golf Foundation programs and any of its related activities or events.
I hereby release and hold harmless the Tennessee Golf Foundation, Tennessee Section PGA, Tennessee Golf Association, Tennessee PGA Junior Golf Academy, Tennessee Junior Golf NLLC, Little Course at Conner Lane, Golf House Tennessee, Vanderbilt Legends Club, KiteCupp Corporation and all of the collective employees, agents, staff, directors, officers, contractors and shareholders of the aforementioned parties, from any and all liability from any accidents that may occur while my child is attending or participating in the Tennessee Golf Foundation’s programs, events or activities.
I hereby give my consent for my child to receive medical attention and treatment in an emergency situation that the staff of the Tennessee Golf Foundation determines to be in the best interest and welfare of the child should I not be available to reasonably provide such consent either in person or by phone. I acknowledge that the parties listed above are not responsible for any lost, broken or stolen articles or personal property that my child may bring to or purchase for use at or during the Tennessee Golf Foundation programs, events or activities.
I give my consent to the Tennessee Golf Foundation to film, photograph or videotape my child and to use, in perpetuity, any photos or likeness of my child, their name, voice and biographical information in all forms of media, electronic or otherwise.